Submissions are now closed
FRESH EYES International, our worldwide Open Call, invites photographers from across the globe to showcase their vision and expertise in their chosen photographic field. The selected Talents will be presented in an atmospheric softcover publication.
You can submit up to two categories, with a different project/portfolio per category.
Please note: applying is free! We will only ask those selected to contribute a participation fee (€350 euro excl. VAT and shipping fee). Find out more in section ‘How it works’ below.
Powered by GUP Magazine, FRESH EYES brings talent to the attention of galleries, museums, commercial and photography agencies, media companies and institutions that work with imagery.
GUP Magazine
GUP Magazine (Guide to Unique Photography) is an international publication on photography, connecting its communities with the sharpest conceptual photography, the latest photobooks and events, and compelling writings about the contemporary world of photography. GUP has focused on the most exciting developments and emerging talents in photography since 2005.
What we offer you
For all selected talents:
• Inclusion of their work within the atmospheric softcover books (minimum of 4 pages) powered by GUP Magazine and internationally distributed;
• Dispatch of 3 copies of the book to the address provided.
• International magazine distribution to relevant figures and organizations in the photography field, ranging from art galleries, curators, magazines and newspapers to the best creative photo agencies;
• Promotion through GUP and FRESH EYES channels and media platforms;
• Having your work seen by the jury of GUP - FRESH EYES, consisting of respected professionals in the photo industry;
• Display of one image in a group presentation/exhibition and a book launch event at Haute Photographie Rotterdam 2025 (March).
• Free entrance ticket to HAUTE Photographie Rotterdam for you and one guest (+1);
Special Features
• Editorial Presentation on GUP Fresh Eyes website; (a selection of minimum 30 talents)
• The possibility to have your work shown in international festivals/fairs presented as GUP - FRESH EYES talent (online/offline)
Portfolio reviews (at Haute Photographie)
FRESH EYES Exceptional Talent Award
3 exceptional talents from each category will be selected by our curators who will become part of the books for FREE!
Print presentation & Magazine launch
The group print presentation and magazine launch will happen during Haute Photographie Rotterdam 2025.
How it works
All emerging photographers from anywhere in the world are welcome to apply.
Applying is free! We will only ask for the participation fee for those who are selected.
After the deadline, a jury of specialists consisting of GUP editors, gallerists and photographers will go through all applications and select the best and strongest work. If you are amongst the selected photographers to be featured as a FRESH EYES talent, we will grant you 4 pages in the magazine.
Please note: it is our creative freedom to decide on the book edits according to our taste and professional expertise in the field. Only pictures that were submitted will be considered, and only exceptionally, artists may be asked to send in more photographs. You can only request changes in factual information on your page spreads. Once asked to send us the decided selection of images, please stick to the deadline for the delivery of the files as communicated in our email correspondence.
Publishing magazines and organising print exhibitions isn’t free. We therefore have to ask you to contribute to the costs. The rate for every selected participant is 350 euro (excl. VAT + shipping fee). Please note: We can only confirm your participation once the contribution fee has been processed. Please stick to the payment deadline as outlined on the invoice received.
You receive 3 copies of the magazine publication. If you can’t collect your books in person at the launch event, please note that you have to pay for shipping costs to have the books delivered.
Please note: If you have been selected previously, you can only apply with a new body of work. In case you submit the same images, they won't be accepted.
Why apply?
We know how difficult it can be for a beginning photographer to make it. The gap between the art academy and the real world can be wide. The competition is strong. FRESH EYES put its network to help you in being noticed.
Terms & conditions
By agreeing to the terms and conditions for the FRESH EYES International edition you acknowledge that:
You are an emerging photographer;
You are the author of the material submitted;
In case of selection, you agree that FRESH EYES and GUP Magazine have the right to use your work for promotional and editorial purposes. Any images used will include credits. Usage includes all media worldwide.
Submission requirements
A low-res portfolio of 15 images;
A brief description / artist statement;
Personal info required in the application form.
Submitting images
Images must be in low resolution: 1920px in the largest side, 72 dpi;
Images must be in .jpg format;
Every image must be named in the following way: name_surname_number (ex. Maria_Lopez_1, Maria_Lopez_2, Maria_Lopez_3, etc…)